Muhammad bin Suleman


Muhammad bin Suleman: 

A Scholar and Historian of the Early Muslim World


Muhammad receptacle Suleman (around 796-865 CE) was a Muslim researcher and antiquarian who is most popular for his stupendous work, Kitab al-Fitan (The Book of Preliminaries). 

This work is a thorough history of the First and Second Fitnas, two times of nationwide conflict that tormented the early Muslim people group. 

Receptacle Suleman's work is profoundly respected for its objectivity, precision, and bits of knowledge into the social and political elements of the early Muslim world.

Early Life

Canister Suleman was brought into the world in Basra, Iraq, in 796 CE. He came from a group of researchers and law specialists, and his dad, Suleman canister Harun, was a notable expert on the Hadith. 

Canister Suleman got conventional Islamic instruction, concentrating on the Quran, Hadith, and Islamic regulation. He likewise concentrated on history and lineage, and he fostered a profound interest in the early Muslim people group.


Receptacle Suleman started his profession as an educator and researcher. He educated at the Basra Church building Mosque for a long time, and he acquired a standing as one of the most proficient researchers of his time. 

He additionally composed a few books on Islamic history and regulation, including Kitab al-Maghazi (The Book of Undertakings) and Kitab al-Ansab (The Book of Lineages).

In the mid-10th 100 years, canister Suleman was dispatched by the Abbasid caliph, al-Wathiq, to compose a far-reaching history of the First and Second Fitnas. 

Container Suleman endured quite a long while investigating and composing this work, and he counseled many sources, including verifiable records, onlooker records, and verse. 

He additionally made a trip to various pieces of the Muslim world to talk with individuals who knew about the Fitnas.

Kitab al-Fitan

Kitab al-Fitan is a five-volume work that covers the historical backdrop of the First and Second Fitnas from their starting points to their end. 

The work is prominent for its objectivity and precision. Receptacle Suleman doesn't favor one side in the Fitnas, and he presents a fair record of the occasions that happened. 

He likewise gives bits of knowledge into the social and political elements of the early Muslim world, and he assists with making sense of why the Fitnas occurred.

Kitab al-Fitan is one of the main works of Islamic history. It is a significant wellspring of data about the early Muslim people group, and fundamental perusing for anybody needs to grasp the First and Second Fitnas.

Different Works

Notwithstanding Kitab al-Fitan, canister Suleman additionally composed a few different works, including:

Kitab al-Maghazi (The Book of Undertakings): This work is an assortment of records of the Prophet Muhammad's tactical missions.

Kitab al-Ansab (The Book of Parentages): This work is an assortment of family histories of the early Bedouin clans.

Kitab al-Tibb (The Book of Medication): This work is a clinical composition that covers points like life systems, physiology, and illness.

Kitab al-Fara'id (The Book of Legacy): This work is a composition on Islamic legacy regulation.


Muhammad canister Suleman was one of the main researchers of the early Muslim world. His work, Kitab al-Fitan, is an exemplary of Islamic history, and fundamental perusing for anybody needs to figure out the First and Second Fitnas. 

Canister Suleman's different works, like Kitab al-Maghazi and Kitab al-Ansab, are additionally significant wellsprings of data about the early Muslim people group.


Muhammad canister Suleman was a productive researcher and history specialist. His work, Kitab al-Fitan, is a great work of Islamic history that gives a thorough and objective record of the First and Second Fitnas. 

Container Suleman's different works, like Kitab al-Maghazi and Kitab al-Ansab, are additionally significant wellsprings of data about the early Muslim people group. 

Container Suleman's work has impacted Islamic grant, and he is viewed as one of the main researchers of the early Muslim world.

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