Time Travel Story


The Time Machine by H.G. Wells

Back to the Future Set of three

"11/22/63" by Stephen Lord

"Foreigner" by Diana Gabaldon

"Looper" and the Conundrum of Self


Time travel stories have enthralled crowds for ages, offering a captivating focal point through which to investigate subjects of history, ethical quality, and human instinct. From H.G. 

Wells' spearheading work to present day works of art like "Back to What's in store," "11/22/63," "Foreigner," and "Looper," the class proceeds to develop and enthrall our minds. 

Whether you love sci-fi, sentiment, or psyche bowing oddities, there's a time travel story out there for everybody, welcoming you to leave on an excursion through the chronicles of time. 

In this way, get a book, watch a film, or jump into a series, and let your creative mind take off through the halls of time. Who can say for sure where your later opportunity travel experience will take you.

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